Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Holidays!

Posted by SC at 4:21 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Melissa Likes High Five!!!
Melissa seems to like high five very much! She laughs a out when mommy plays high five with her =)
Posted by SC at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Melissa's Second Trip to the Restaurant
Posted by SC at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Melissa’s Major Milestone 2-3 Month
• Can stand up with her own feet for a couple of seconds with support. She usually does that while we try to burp her on our shoulder.
• Not as gassy as the previous month.
• Giggles and smiles back to us when we smile a lot of times.
• Looks at the mirror and smiles.
• Starts eating her fingers and hands a lot.
• Grabs things accidentally and has no control on the movement.
• Can keep her head up for 45 degrees during tummy time, but she does not like tummy time.
• Likes to sit in the swing and bouncer and often falls asleep in it.
• Likes to lifts legs up while changing diaper.
• Listens to us reading books.
• Wakes up every 3-4 hours to be fed at night.
• Seems to sleep better late morning (7am to 11am) than at night.
• Often naps at 1pm for 3 hours in the afternoon
• Able to fall asleep without pacifier sometimes
Posted by SC at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Melissa Laughs out Loud!!!
Uncle Sybor came to visit Melissa and while he was playing with Melissa, Melissa laughs out loud!!!
Posted by SC at 1:11 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Melissa’s New Toy
Posted by SC at 12:29 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Melissa’s Major Milestone 1-2 Month
• Wakes up every 3-4 hours to be fed and sometimes 5-6 hours at night.
• Starts listening classical and children music.
• Smiles more comparing to 0-1 month.
• Curiously looks at everything.
• Starts to drool.
• First laugh-like action (without voice and with voice).
• Grabs our hand, hair etc accidentally.
• Shows interests in her toys.
• Needs pacifier to fall asleep most of the time.
• Loves sucking pacifier and her fist (or Mommy and Daddy’s fingers).
Posted by SC at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Melissa Playing With Hanging Toys
Melissa is growing so fast, it seems like every week (or even every day) she is learning to do something new.
Just a few days ago, she put her hands together by herself on top of her chest. Unfortunately by the time we got the camera, it was too late.
Today, I brought out an old toy to see if she would be able to play with it a bit more. To my pleasant surprise, she started playing with it right away :) Melissa was entertaining herself by trying to touch the middle mouse and make it move.. Not sure why she was so focused on it, maybe it's because of the little duck also strapped to it, or maybe it's because it's the hardest one for her to reach and she's trying to challenge herself :).. It is pretty tough for her to reach because she still has a little difficulty bring her arm across her body, but she's doing a pretty good job :)
Here's another clip...
part 3, it's a trilogy..
Posted by JW at 5:51 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Melissa's First Visit to the Public
Mommy has been taking Melissa out for a walk in the neighborhood and park everyday this week, and Melissa enjoys going out quite a lot. Yesterday, mommy took Melissa out to the supermarket for the first time. Melissa seems to know that we are going for an outing once mommy puts her on the stroller. She actully slept pretty much all the way in the car and supermarket. She only opened her eyes when she heard kids screaming at Mitsuwa supermarket but quickly fell back to sleep. What a good baby!!! Thanks to Auntie Shu-Han for helping us out with grocery shopping.
Posted by SC at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thanks Again :)
It's only been a few days since Sandy and I are "on our own" and we're finding it pretty tough (even though we're still work through food prepared for us by Aunt Susan and Mom and haven't really had to even shop or cook much)! It's made us realize how much help grand parents are and made us appreciate it even more:)
Just want to say it's great having all the support! Definitely making the transition to parenthood easier.. Here's another video of Melissa for those of you that can't get enough of it :D
Posted by JW at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: Melissa on changing table
Monday, November 10, 2008
Grandma Diane came early September and stayed until Melissa is 1 month old. Grandma Diane probably went through the toughest time because when she was here, Melissa was just a newborn baby and required a lot of attention and swaddling. Grandma Diane didn’t get much sleep for the whole month…

Grandma Alice came early October. She held Melissa a lot and spent lots of time entertaining Melissa. Grandpa Fu-Ming took a lot of great pictures for Melissa. Grandpa Timothy is coming during Chinese New year to see his granddaughter for the first time, we cannot wait! Aunt Sally came early September and helped out Mommy and Grandma Diane; she ran so many errands for us and helped out taking bath for Melissa and swaddled Melissa when she cries.
Also, thanks to all the relatives and friends who visited little Melissa, especially Aunt Susan, Aunt Anna, and Shu-Han who either made/brought so much yummy food to us.
THANK YOU SO MUCH, everyone, Mommy, Daddy, and Melissa are so lucky to have your love and care.
Posted by SC at 5:22 PM 2 comments
Tummy Time
Posted by SC at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Melissa’s 2 Months Check Up
Melissa had her 2 months check up couple days ago. Here is a quick summary of her growth and development:
Weight: 11 lb 2 oz (62%)
Height: 22.5 inches (64%)
Head Circumference: 38.1 cm (39%)
Melissa is healthy and growing quite fast these days as breast feeding is going well between mommy and Melissa. At her 2 weeks check up, Melissa’s weight is only at 30 percentile and now she is at 62 percentile. Now, Melissa’s weight and height are slightly above average, but her head seems to be smaller in proportion. Melissa did not cry at all this time when she saw the doctor, and she even smiled to the doctor. Melissa also got a few vaccination shots at this doctor’s visit. She only cried for 10 seconds when the needle went into her leg. What a brave girl! Melissa had fever for a day after getting the vaccination shot, but she is back to a normal healthy baby in a day =)
Posted by SC at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Playing Time
Posted by SC at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Melissa's Visit to the Park
Posted by SC at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Bath Time
Melissa used to cry a lot during her bath time when she was 0-1 month old. She is starting to enjoy more of her bath time now. She didn’t cry at all recently when Mommy and Grandma Alice took bath for her. She is still a bit nervous as she closes her fist tightly, but she seems to enjoy the warm bath now. Melissa’s hair spikes up after bath, and she looks different!
Posted by SC at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Melissa’s Major Milestone 0-1 Month
• Quite gassy.
Posted by SC at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Melissa Smiles :)
Melissa was in a good mood and Sandy took a couple pictures of her smiling :)
She is also starting to play with the hanging toys a little bit, will add a video of it soon :)
Posted by JW at 9:45 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
daddy loves disturbing sleepy melissa
Melissa's starting to smile now.. but it's hard to capture it on video or in photo.. will keep trying and capture the magic moment :)
Posted by JW at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Or not :( Unfortunately just been way too busy.. working 70hr+ weeks the past few weeks + another 16hr on saturday gone for mba = no time for anything..
Oh, got plenty of pictures, and even videos. And Melissa is looking very pretty even :) No more baby acne.. Yes, I know.. what a tease, but I just don't have time to do anything much at all..
Anyways, maybe Sandy will post an entry or two or upload a few video on youtube so I can turn it into effortless blog, heehe..
Posted by JW at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pictureless / Videoless Update.. Boring...
Melissa has been growing very nicely. We think she’s about 9 lbs now. Don’t have a fine grained scale, so this is just some one stepping on the scale, getting a weight in, then stepping on the scale again holding Melissa. So it may be off by a half a pound or so, but regardless, it’s pretty clear that Melissa is getting bigger and bigger :)
Recently, Melissa’s got a case of baby acne, and maybe that’s why we haven’t taken as many pictures. But fear not, more pictures are coming soon. Apparently baby acne is pretty common (affects about 40% of baby, according to the books, and usually starts from about 2-3 weeks old and goes away on it’s own around 4-6 weeks old).
Yesterday, my parents arrived from Taiwan. They’re here to replace Sandy’s mom, who must be exhausted by now, heehee. My Dad is stay for less than two weeks, but my Mom should be staying for about 1 month. It’s great to have the grand parents (and aunt) helping out, hard to imagine how we’d get by without the extra help.
Posted by JW at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: baby acne
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Melissa with Toy
What is this thing.. am I supposed to be interested in it?
Posted by JW at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: toy
Melissa waving arm
Look at me! I can flail my arm all over the place and make grumpy faces :P
Posted by JW at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: arm waving
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sleepy Melissa
A big yawn! Auntie Sally is talking nonsense to me and I'm getting bored.. =)
Posted by JW at 9:36 PM 1 comments
Baby Melissa
Melissa Sophie Wu
DOB: 9/9/2008
Height: 21 inches
Weight: 7lb 2.4oz
She loves to flail her arms and kick her legs! Currently, her skin is flaky and peeling, but hopefully soon that go away.. Here's a video of her flailing her arms about! She can semi-turn herself already too! Wonder what she'll be doing next.. maybe it's Dada :D
Posted by JW at 9:36 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
belly update
It's time again for the monthly belly bulge update! Getting bigger by the month :)
Actually supposedly it's not quite as big as it probably should be.. Mommy needs to eat more and put on a few extra pounds, hehe..
Only 1 more of these monthly updates if I keep it at the roughly monthly schedule, can't wait for the baby to arrive!
Posted by JW at 10:25 PM 1 comments
Labels: belly update
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Baby Shower - Part 2
Baby Melissa is going to get spoiled! She's got a whole bunch of toys, clothes and other things before she's even arrived!
We received lots and lots of presents from friends and relatives for the baby shower! It really makes both Sandy and I feel very special that everyone is so happy for us!
Here we have pictures for just some of the presents. We also got several red envelopes and gift cards to get stuff for baby Melissa as we figure out just what we're missing.
In addition to all the presents we received during the baby shower, many people who couldn't make it due to other commitments sent us things! A special thanks to Don and Marlene for dropping by with baby crib/changing table/ and a whole load of toys and clothings even though they couldn't stay for the shower. We both feel so fortunate and loved :)
Posted by JW at 9:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: Baby Shower, Presents