Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Bird House Remodel
Here's the eagerly awaited Bird Avenue house update.
We finished the remodeling more or less on time, although some paint got chipped off when the carpet installation took place, so Mr. Chen and crew had to go back in and touch things up. While some of the details are not 100 percent perfect, overall, I'm pretty happy. Mostly it's good to just get it over with and move on to the next phase, which is renting the place out.
So a summary of the "updated" items: completely redoing 2 bathrooms, new interior and exterior paint, new carpet, replacing 2 windows, and patching up an area in the back wall of the house where the redwood had grown too close to and damaged it. Also was suppose to seal up the roof area, but turns out it was very difficult to do due to the way it is done. Although it doesn't look
perfect, some was refunded for that, so I
guess it's fine.
There are still some minor stuff which I had to take care of on my own. They include changing a few door knobs and putting up some blinds and moving all the furnitures back into the house and generally cleaning up the place up a bit. (Update, I also had to do some touch up on painting and fix the gates and fence in the backyard.) But overall, it's pretty much done! Yay Ya!
Okay, now on to the task of renting the place. Sandy's been taking charge of this task for the most part, posting the ads on craigslist and calling the correspondents. So far, there seem to be a fairly high level of interest. We've gotten about 15~20 calls and basically had an "open house" of sorts for all the interested renters
to stop by and have a look this past Saturday. Some of the potential renters we feel pretty comfortable with, others seems a little bit more iffy. Fortunately we had enough that we have a little bit of choice. Unfortunately, seems like the renters for the most part don't actually want the furnitures, which I thought was a plus.. So, I'm going to have to move everything right back out and either donate them or stack them up in Henderson or something..
Oh.. also arranged to have a gardener to come and fix up some of the broken sprinklers and do monthly maintainence, so that the place will look nice and we won't have to worry about the renter neglecting the yard like I did for the past 10 years, haha.. Anyways, will give an update when we get the place actually rented out. It'll be quite a relief when we finally do :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Update on Various Things
The past few weeks have been super super hectic. I don't know how we would have made it through if Mom hadn't been here to help out. Unfortunately, she has returned back to Taiwan already and Sandy and I have to take care of ourselves again :( It was great when Mom was here because not only did she help out, all her sisters and brother (my Aunts) tend to help out too, especially Aunt Susan with all her delicious gourmet food :D
Posted by JW at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
March Prenatal Visit
The checkup went pretty smoothly, basically doctor went over the test results and assured us all the data are ok. We got to heard the Baby's heartbeat, which is pretty cool (sounds like you're on a train and it's going over the tracks steadily (or maybe the dryer spinning). Only glitch (and something we'll need to keep in mind) is to have Sandy drink lots of water before going next time, as they keep asking for urine samples, hehehe..
Posted by JW at 11:04 AM 1 comments
Labels: checkups, prenatal, urine sample
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Bird Ave Remodel Kickoff!
Day 1 of remodeling
After a couple months of delay due tree removal application process, we've finally started the remodeling now that the trees have been removed.
The list of things we're having the contractor (Mr. Chen) take care of include the following:
- complete redoing of 2 bathrooms
- replacing 2 windows
- replacing the carpet
- removing wall paper and repainting the entire house
- repair wall and roof eave area damaged by the redwood trees.
So far, I'm pretty happy with the progress, it's day 1 and they already gutted the bathrooms and tore down all the wall papers.. But I guess it's really how it looks like when it gets all put back together that matters, so I'm holding my breath.
Posted by JW at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: bathroom, contractor, Remodel, wallpaper
Sunday Brunch
This past Sunday, Sandy and my Mom went to brunch/lunch with Aunt Susan and family. I wasn't able to make it myself as I had to go clean up Bird Avenue house in preparation for the contractors to start work.
Here are some pictures from the brunch. According to Sandy it was a feast! Everything was good and Aunt Susan ordered so much food for everyone that everyone ended up with their tummy stuffed. I also got to eat some hargow and siumai when S
andy and Mom dropped by Bird Ave. to take a look after the meal :)
Posted by JW at 4:41 PM 1 comments