These are our official photos from the ultra sound appointment :)
Some of the pictures are pretty obvious, others require some interpretation. According to Sandy, she can only make out 1 picture (#3). So, it's time to use your imagination, or medicial experience and time to play what picture is this! Answer at the bottom so don't scroll down too far..

Actually we don't have all the answers for all of them..
So feel free to comment on what they might be based on your interpretations :)
Here are my answers:
#1: Not sure on this one, but I think it's either the heart or leg :P
#2: Baby face closeup :)
#3: Baby sideways view
#4: Baby gender view.. The 2 brighter lines are the leg bones..
#5: Baby head from top.. with 1 arm raised.. (this one is just my guess)
#6: Another baby facial view, with body also..