Saturday, April 19, 2008

baby ultra sound photos

These are our official photos from the ultra sound appointment :)
Some of the pictures are pretty obvious, others require some interpretation. According to Sandy, she can only make out 1 picture (#3). So, it's time to use your imagination, or medicial experience and time to play what picture is this! Answer at the bottom so don't scroll down too far..






Actually we don't have all the answers for all of them..
So feel free to comment on what they might be based on your interpretations :)
Here are my answers:
#1: Not sure on this one, but I think it's either the heart or leg :P
#2: Baby face closeup :)
#3: Baby sideways view
#4: Baby gender view.. The 2 brighter lines are the leg bones..
#5: Baby head from top.. with 1 arm raised.. (this one is just my guess)
#6: Another baby facial view, with body also..

Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Girl Coming

Sandy and I went to the 2nd ultra sound today and looks like little wuster will be a baby girl!
Everything checked out ok, and the baby was moving around some inside the belly.. The nurse used the ultra sound devuce and probed around for about 10 minutes so we got view of the baby from many different angles. Although it was slightly hard to tell, at times you can make out the face, the hand, and feet. I put the camera in camcorder mode and will be uploading it into youtube so I can link it here. Actually probably a little boring but still it'll be treasured memories :D By the way, the due date has been shifted by 2 days. We're now expecting on Sept. 15.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Gathering

This past weekend, we gathered at Vivian's place with bunch of old friends, many of whom are recent parents :) There were 5 kids in total, Anja (4), Kyle (2), Colin (11 months), Valerie (7 months) and Maya (2 months)..

Had a good time catching up with friends and found the kids to be very adorable. In particular, we found Colin to be so very cute and not shy of strangers at all. He was always smiling and wanting to play or be hugged (but doesn't make a fuss if not hugged either :)). He's the second baby from the left and is really big for his age (he's topping out at 100 percentile) and can walk on his own really well already.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bird Home Rented!

Mission Accomplished!

This past week, we finally got everything done and rented out Bird Ave. home. The lease (1 yr) doesn't officially start until April 18, and we still have to move some stuff this weekend, but we have entered into the lease agreement with our tenants and secured the deposit/first month rent, so things should be all set.

Now we just hope they're good, trouble free tenants, who take care of the house. Based on our interaction with them, they seem to be very pleasant people with down to earth jobs. So we do expect a pleasant relationship going forward.