Friday, February 20, 2009

Melissa enjoys Grandma Alice's company!

Melissa enjoys Grandma Alice's company! See how happy she is!

First Try on Solid Food - Rice Cereal!

Melissa started eating some rice cereal two days ago. She is such a champ because she immediately knows how to take food from the spoon, and she can't wait to have more food. She gets really anxious when you slow down feeding. Grandma Alice feeds Melissa rice cereal mixed with breast milk, and Melissa is enjoying the special bonding time with Grandma Alice!

Monday, February 16, 2009

More pictures with Grandpa Timothy and Grandma Diane

Here are more pictures of Melissa with Grandpa Timothy and Grandma Diane. Melissa is growing so fast, and she looks different every month!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bye Bye, Grandpa Timothy and Grandma Diane

Grandpa Timothy and Grandma Diane are getting ready to go back Taiwan. We will miss them so much. Grandpa Timothy is such a great helper; he does yard work and cleans the front yard and back yard everyday. Also, he holds Melissa all the time and takes Melissa out when she is fussy. He feeds Melissa bottles and changes diaper for her. Grandma Diane cooks yummy food for us and also takes great care of everyone. We are so lucky to have their help these 3 weeks.

Over the 3 weeks that Grandpa Timothy and Grandma Diane are here, Melissa learned how to sleep in her crib by herself and start to take pacifier again. Melissa seems to be more independent now and not so dependent on Mommy. Furthermore, Melissa travelled to Santa Rosa with Mommy, Grandpa Timothy and Grandma Diane to visit relatives. Originally, we weren't sure how Melissa will react because it takes 2 hours to get there each way. But it turns out that Melissa didn't cry at all in the car and made no fuss. We are so proud of her.

Thank you, Grandpa Timothy and Grandma Diane. We really enjoy your company, and we can’t wait for you to come back and visit next time!

Melissa's Major Milestone 4-5 Month

Here are some major milestones when Melissa is 4-5 month old:

• Finally sleeps in her own crib every night (after about 5 days training).
• Seems to be interested in food and keeps staring at food when we eat.
• Can stand up with support.
• Tries to sit up but unbalanced.
• Start taking a pacifier (she often spits out pacifier before).
• Still eats her fingers/hands when we are not watching.
• Smiles a lot when you interact with her.
• Sleeps about 10 hours (Go to bed around 10:30 or 11pm and wakes up around 8 or 9am).
• Screeches with high pitch voice – she talks a lot.
• Bath time becomes splash zone.
• Very curious about her surrounding. She stops drinking milk if you start talking.
• Holds or grabs onto something she finds.
• Can keep her head upright longer while staying on her tummy.
• Still no roll over yet.