Sunday, May 19, 2019

Girls On The Run Over The Years

 Girls on the run (GotR) is a running club for positive girls encouragement/empowerment they have at many of the elementary schools.  Melissa participated in it from Grade 3 to Grade 5.  It consists of running/training after school one day a week from late winter to spring (often with treats like popsicle or juice afterwards), then, at mid/late May, they have their annual 5k run at Vasona park.  It always falls on my birthday so for 3 straight years, my birthday present was to get up at 5am or so and get Melissa ready and at the GotR.  Here are some memories over the years:

2017 5/20:

Every year, we'd park at the Netflix headquarter parking lot and bus over to the park for the festivity.

Decorating the hair is always a big thing..

2018 5-19:

2019 5-18:

This year, Christopher joined us at the end of the run.  He really enjoyed the bus ride.