But who will help out with the babysitting :) Anyways, lost the previous poll results when I changed the format, but it seems the new option of twins is winning handsdown. I doubt it'll be twins though as there's been no family history of it
So, I bugged Sandy during her precious "TV" time and interrupted her from her cozy sofa/blankie arrangement to get her to pose for me :) And ta da, here's Sandy showing no signs of external change yet.
Well, we found out that it's not going to be twins, so I'm taking off the poll.. The final voting was 3 for boys, 2 for girls, and 6 for twins. I would put up a boy or girl poll, but I found the polling really slows the blog down as it has to go to an external source to fetch the polling results. Anyways, sorry to disappoint some, but no twins! We're not ready to handle two anyway :D
1 Comment:
Right on! Congratulations on the prego. Looks like John's been blogging on a daily basis. How exciting (and a little creepy perhaps)!! Joe and I insist on only the happiest thoughts as the days count down ...
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