Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Update on Various Things

The past few weeks have been super super hectic. I don't know how we would have made it through if Mom hadn't been here to help out. Unfortunately, she has returned back to Taiwan already and Sandy and I have to take care of ourselves again :( It was great when Mom was here because not only did she help out, all her sisters and brother (my Aunts) tend to help out too, especially Aunt Susan with all her delicious gourmet food :D
It's not always home cooked foot either, we went out to eat a few times during her stay as well. Unfortunately, I didn't always have a camera handy, but here are some pictures from the couple times I did have my camera with me.

Finally, also some picture of the grass growing back on the previously barren parts of the backyard. I also have a bunch of the Bird Avenue remodelling picture, but I think I'll save those for the next blog post, as I will be getting several more tomorrow most likely (with carpet installed and basically everything done)!