Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Girl Coming

Sandy and I went to the 2nd ultra sound today and looks like little wuster will be a baby girl!
Everything checked out ok, and the baby was moving around some inside the belly.. The nurse used the ultra sound devuce and probed around for about 10 minutes so we got view of the baby from many different angles. Although it was slightly hard to tell, at times you can make out the face, the hand, and feet. I put the camera in camcorder mode and will be uploading it into youtube so I can link it here. Actually probably a little boring but still it'll be treasured memories :D By the way, the due date has been shifted by 2 days. We're now expecting on Sept. 15.

1 Comment:

alice said...

It's such a good experience to know the baby's growth step by step. Welcome the baby girl. We will prepare the things for you.