Sunday, November 23, 2008

Melissa Playing With Hanging Toys

Melissa is growing so fast, it seems like every week (or even every day) she is learning to do something new.

Just a few days ago, she put her hands together by herself on top of her chest. Unfortunately by the time we got the camera, it was too late.

Today, I brought out an old toy to see if she would be able to play with it a bit more. To my pleasant surprise, she started playing with it right away :) Melissa was entertaining herself by trying to touch the middle mouse and make it move.. Not sure why she was so focused on it, maybe it's because of the little duck also strapped to it, or maybe it's because it's the hardest one for her to reach and she's trying to challenge herself :).. It is pretty tough for her to reach because she still has a little difficulty bring her arm across her body, but she's doing a pretty good job :)

Here's another clip...

part 3, it's a trilogy..

1 Comment:

alice said...

I can't believe that Melissa really focus on the hanging stuff so seriously.

I bet Melissa knows more than we think.

Grandma Alice