Monday, November 10, 2008

Melissa’s 2 Months Check Up

Melissa had her 2 months check up couple days ago. Here is a quick summary of her growth and development:

Weight: 11 lb 2 oz (62%)
Height: 22.5 inches (64%)
Head Circumference: 38.1 cm (39%)

Melissa is healthy and growing quite fast these days as breast feeding is going well between mommy and Melissa. At her 2 weeks check up, Melissa’s weight is only at 30 percentile and now she is at 62 percentile. Now, Melissa’s weight and height are slightly above average, but her head seems to be smaller in proportion. Melissa did not cry at all this time when she saw the doctor, and she even smiled to the doctor. Melissa also got a few vaccination shots at this doctor’s visit. She only cried for 10 seconds when the needle went into her leg. What a brave girl! Melissa had fever for a day after getting the vaccination shot, but she is back to a normal healthy baby in a day =)