Friday, February 1, 2008

Almost Time To Tell Everyone!

Sandy will have her official prenatel exam Feb 7, which just happens to be Chinese New Year. It's the year of the rat but I like to think of it as more cuddly type of rodent like guinea pig or ground hogs. Even with these cuter pictures, Sandy still does like the looks of a rodent though :(

Anyways, I think after here exam, if there are no special issues, we'll be informing all our friends and relatives in short order. It will be so exciting that I can hardly contain myself.. If not for the outlet of writing these blogs, I'm sure the news will have already accidentally (or not so accidentally) slipped my tongue. In fact, I'm half hoping that my friends would stumble upon this blog and find out, but of course that's basically impossible. My mom sent me an email saying she cannot wait either, I guess when you get good news, you just want to share it with everyone you know!


Sally said...

rat is NOT cute, esp. when it's running around in your apt. ok i'll make an exception for the little wuster. =P

JW said...

eep.. I hope you don't have rats running around in your apartment!

Sally said...

only once, in my old apt. thank god i haven't seen it again in the new place. =)