Monday, January 28, 2008

I got my CPA license approved!

John has encouraged me to write the blog page everyday, and I have been lazy about it mainly becuase I am more tired recently from work and pregnancy, and I don't want to sit in front of computer after I come back home. Today, I got a great news in the mail. I have been waiting for my CPA license to be approved by California Board of Accountancy, and it finally arrived after 146 days. It actually came back earlier than I expected =P After all the hard work in public accounting industry, the only thing I am waiting for is this CPA license. However, I don't feel quite ready to leave public accounting yet. I complain about work mainly because of the long work hours and tight budget, but I do learn a lot of different things from each new engagement. I also get to work with different team in every engagement so figuring out the team dynamics is a good lesson for me as well. If one day I leave my company, I will definitely miss my coworkers, but I won't miss the long hours and long commute.

1 Comment:

JW said...

Woot, Sandy's first post!